Migrating from Voxel Plugin Legacy
Key information and things to consider when moving from Voxel Plugin Legacy (1.2) to Voxel Plugin 2.
Key Differences
There are several key differences to consider when migrating from Voxel Plugin Legacy (1.2) to VP2:
Assets created in VPL will not be useable in VP2 (such as graphs, materials, and foliage assets).
Voxel-specific functions called on the Voxel World in VPL do not exist in VP2.
The cubic and MagicaVoxel workflows from VPL are currently unsupported in VP2.
Voxel World save files from 1.2 cannot be migrated to 2.0!
Missing or Overhauled Features
(We will add to this list as we determine more features that underwent significant changes or that exist in 1.2 but not VP2)
The graph system in VP2 has been entirely re-written; VPL graphs cannot be migrated to VP2.
Voxel Spawner Actor / Voxel Foliage Actor have been replaced by a PCG integration.
Materials have been overhauled; the plugin no longer uses Single Index or Multi Index materials. VPL materials must be reworked to work with VP2.
Cubic rendering is not yet supported in VP2.
Data Items and Data Assets have been removed and replaced by Voxel Stamps
Landscape importer (and most other importers) do not currently exist in VP2.
Editor tools (for sculpting and painting voxel actors) are not yet available.
Voxel Physics do not currently exist or have a replacement in VP2.
Removed Classes
There are some important core classes that have been changed or removed in VP2.
Any actors that are sub-classes of these classes will need to be removed before upgrading your project from VPL:
Voxel Spawner Actor & Voxel Foliage Actor (and their spawner configs) should be removed from the project before migrating.
These classes should be updated after upgrading your project to VP2:
Voxel World has been reimplemented. Any project-level Blueprint/C++ references to Voxel Worlds likely need to be reimplemented.
Voxel Procedural Mesh Component has been removed. Access to a Voxel Actor's collision will be replaced.
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