Function Library node - for straight-forward, purely async operations;
Complex node - for operations that require a lot of flexibility;
Simple ISPC node - for simple, high-performance operations.
1. Creating Function Library C++ nodes
To create Function Library C++ node, it is necessary to create UVoxelFunctionLibrary class, and create UFUNCTION functions. These will be visible within voxel graphs.
Function Library nodes are called in Async thread. As such, they cannot communicate with UObjects or UWorld.
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.#pragmaonce#include"CoreMinimal.h"#include"VoxelFunctionLibrary.h"UCLASS()classUTestFunctionLibrary:publicUVoxelFunctionLibrary{GENERATED_BODY()public:UFUNCTION(Category ="Test")FVoxelFloatBufferOneMinus(constFVoxelFloatBuffer& Value) { FVoxelFloatBufferStorage Storage;Storage.Allocate(Value.Num());for (int32 Index =0; Index <Value.Num(); Index++) {Storage[Index] =1.f-Value[Index]; }return FVoxelFloatBuffer:Make(Storage); }};
Pure math operations such as this example are generally better off being done in ISPC, as this usually increases performance by a factor ten.
TEMPLATE - type pins means, that they will act together when converting from Uniform to Buffer and vice versa. If you promote one of Template pins container type, it will change all other template pins container type to match promoted pin container;
TYPE - will be pin type, some types have their matching buffer type, for example float - FVoxelFloatBuffer. If wildcard pin is necessary, then type can be created as FVoxelWildcard or FVoxelWildcardBuffer .
IMPORTANT! Object type pins must have their own specific pin type created (more later);
DEFAULT_VALUE - The value to use when unplugged. This can be left as nullptr for most types;
META_DATA - Meta Data is optional. All meta data types are declared in VoxelNode.h, under the FVoxelPinMetaDataBuilder namespace. Some examples:
DisplayName - Changes the pin’s user-facing name. Accepts string;
ToolTip - Pin tooltip, visible when hovered;
Category - Moves pin to a category. Accepts string;
AdvancedPin - Moves pin under advanced group (collapsed-by-default dropdown);
ArrayPin - Pin will be accept array type;
ShowInDetail - Pin will be hidden by default and value will be shown in details panel (can be exposed as pin from details panel);
2.3. CPP:
#include"MyCustomNodeHeader.h"// We define compute function by specifying our node struct name// and output pinDEFINE_VOXEL_NODE_COMPUTE(FVoxelNode_MyCustomNode, CustomOutputPin){ // Each pin has to be registered for querying, by creating // variable TValue<Type> Value = GetNodeRuntime().Get(PIN, Query); // here we do not yet have the values from pins TValue<float> CustomPin1Value =GetNodeRuntime().Get(CustomPin1Pin, Query); TValue<FVoxelFloatBuffer> CustomPin2Value =GetNodeRuntime().Get(CustomPin2Pin, Query); // All pins we want to get values must be passed to VOXEL_ON_COMPLETE // To interact with UObjects or world, VOXEL_ON_COMPLETE_GAME_THREAD must be used instead. // ON_COMPLETE can be stacked inside.returnVOXEL_ON_COMPLETE(CustomPin1Value, CustomPin2Value) { // Here value variables will have their values computed, so work can be done here // Since we want to return buffer, we have to create its storage FVoxelFloatBufferStorage ReturnValue; // And allocate necessary amount of values in itReturnValue.Allocate(CustomPin2Value.Num());for (int32 Index =0; Index <CustomPin2Value.Num(); Index++) { // We can write into BufferStorage by accessing necessary index // and we can read from normal Buffer by accessing indexReturnValue[Index] =CustomPin2Value[Index] + CustomPin1Value; } // We need to make Buffer from BufferStorage at the endreturn FVoxelFloatBuffer::Make(ReturnValue); };}// If promotion is required:#ifWITH_EDITOR// This function allows to gather all allowed pin types for specific pin.FVoxelPinTypeSet FVoxelNode_MyCustomNode::GetPromotionTypes(constFVoxelPin& Pin) const{if (Pin.Name == ValuesPin) {return FVoxelPinTypeSet::AllBufferArrays(); }else {return FVoxelPinTypeSet::AllBuffers(); }}// This function is called when we want to promote specific pin// if theres some additional work to be done with other pins, influenced// by specific pin it must be done here.void FVoxelNode_MyCustomNode::PromotePin(FVoxelPin& Pin,constFVoxelPinType& NewType){Pin.SetType(NewType);if (Pin.Name == ValuesPin) {GetPin(ResultPin).SetType(NewType.WithBufferArray(false)); }else {GetPin(ValuesPin).SetType(NewType.WithBufferArray(true)); }}#endif
The most important part here is to use DEFINE_VOXEL_NODE_COMPUTE with your node struct name and output pin name passed to arguments.
To retrieve data from pins, querying must be done, using return VOXEL_ON_COMPLETE(PinA, PinB….){}. This part will put node execution into tasks pool and when all pin values are computed will execute inner lambda part. This can be stacked.
Nodes can convey information to downstream nodes as additional payloads on pins. This sort of additional information is called a QueryParameter. This is used within the plugin for information like Position and LOD.
QueryParameters are only available to downstream nodes. Because graph execution is done right-to-left, a node is downstream if its output is plugged into another node’s input.
QueryParamaters can be retrieved using QueryParameter using FindVoxelQueryParameter(ParameterType, VariableName);
2.6. Creating query parameter and writing into it:
It is also possible to create custom QueryParameters, to allow downstream nodes to query custom data.
To do so, you need to create derived struct from FVoxelQueryParameter and create variables into which data will be stored:
USTRUCT()structFVoxelCustomQueryParameter:publicFVoxelQueryParameter{GENERATED_BODY()GENERATED_VOXEL_QUERY_PARAMETER_BODY() // This is important FVector MyCustomData;};
With the QueryParameter struct in place, we can configure the QueryParameters container to make use of it for the required pins. Keep in mind that QueryParameters are passed on a per-pin level, so it has to be declared for each pin individually.
DEFINE_VOXEL_NODE_COMPUTE(FVoxelNode_MyCustomNode, CustomOutputPin){ // First we clone existing query parametersconst TSharedRef<FVoxelQueryParameters> NewQueryParameters =Query.CloneParameters(); // Then add our custom query parameter with dataNewQueryParameters->Add<FVoxelCustomQueryParameter>().MyCustomData =FVector(0.f,1.f,0.f); // Now it is necessary to compute pin with query dataconst TValue<float> CustomPin1Value =GetNodeRuntime().Get(CustomPin1Pin,Query.MakeNewQuery(NewQueryParameters)); TValue<FVoxelFloatBuffer> CustomPin2Value =GetNodeRuntime().Get(CustomPin2Pin, Query);returnVOXEL_ON_COMPLETE(CustomPin1Value, CustomPin2Value) { ... };}
In this example, CustomPin1 will have newly created CustomQueryParameter and CustomPin2 will not.
2.7. Accessing UWorld:
It is important to access UWorld only from GameThread. To do that, first it is necessary to either run VOXEL_ON_COMPLETE_GAME_THREAD and access UWorld from there, or if you want to execute something (passing data, without returning results), you can use FVoxelUtilities::RunOnGameThread([=]{ …. });
To retrieve UWorld reference, FObjectKey WorldKey = Query.GetInfo(EVoxelQueryInfo::Query).GetWorld(). This will give FObjectKey, which in GameThread can be converted to UWorld pointer, by doing UWorld World = Cast<UWorld>(WorldKey.ResolveObjectPtr());*
It is unsafe to access UWorld or any UObject from any threads other than the GameThread
ISPC nodes can be implemented without needing to write ISPC manually. To achieve this, create struct derived from FVoxelISPCNode:
USTRUCT(Category ="Custom")structFVoxelNode_MyCustomNode:publicFVoxelISPCNode{GENERATED_BODY()GENERATED_VOXEL_NODE_BODY()VOXEL_TEMPLATE_INPUT_PIN(float, Value,nullptr);VOXEL_TEMPLATE_INPUT_PIN(float,Value2,nullptr);VOXEL_TEMPLATE_OUTPUT_PIN(float,ReturnValue);virtualFStringGenerateCode(FCode& Code) constoverride { // This is useful when it is necessary to use some custom functions from already written functions in ISPC // Usually this is not necessary.Code.AddInclude("VoxelNoiseNodesImpl.isph");return"{ReturnValue} = min({Value} * {Value2}, {Value2} + {Value})"; }}
The plugin will look for these structs, and will generate ISPC code from the string returned by GeneratedCode. This type of node can only do relatively basic operations, but it does them very efficiently.
4. Calling ISPC in C++ Nodes
In itself, calling ISPC in C++ code is the same as calling global c++ functions. The main difference is to access them through ispc namespace and create ISPC code in *.ispc files.
To use custom structs in graphs, it is necessary to define them as USTRUCT in C++ and create their buffer counterpart:
USTRUCT()structFMyCustomStruct{GENERATED_BODY()UPROPERTY() int32 A =0;UPROPERTY()float B =1;UPROPERTY() FVector C = FVector::ZeroVector;};
Now for this struct to appear in voxel graphs, struct needs to be used in any of C++ nodes.
One way would be to define Make/Break nodes for this struct, other way would be to create any function and use this struct as parameter.
Without Make/Break function nodes, struct can only be used in function arguments and you will not be able to split struct into separate pins.
Custom struct CANNOT contain UObjects.
If custom struct contains other custom struct, that other struct also needs to have a buffer version implemented.
5.1.1. Define custom struct buffer:
Declare it using DECLARE_VOXEL_BUFFER(TypeBuffer, Type);
Create buffer USTRUCT, derived from FVoxelBuffer;
Add buffer variation of every inner property;
Create [] operator, to access uniform type at index position;
Create static Make function to create buffer from uniform value;
Create static Make function to create buffer from separated inner buffer values;
Override InitializeFromConstant function.
DECLARE_VOXEL_BUFFER(FMyCustomStructBuffer, FMyCustomStruct);USTRUCT()structFMyCustomStructBufferfinal:publicFVoxelBuffer{GENERATED_BODY()GENERATED_VOXEL_BUFFER_BODY(FMyCustomStructBuffer, FMyCustomStruct); // Declare buffer variations of inner componentsUPROPERTY() FVoxelInt32Buffer A;UPROPERTY() FVoxelFloatBuffer B;UPROPERTY() FVoxelVectorBuffer C; // Define [] operator FORCEINLINE FMyCustomStructoperator[](constint32 Index) const {returnFMyCustomStruct(A[Index],B[Index],C[Index]); } // Define Make function from uniform valuestaticFMyCustomStructBufferMake(constFMyCustomBuffer& Value) { FMyCustomStructBuffer Result;Result.A = FVoxelInt32Buffer::Make(Value.A);Result.B = FVoxelFloatBuffer::Make(Value.B);Result.C = FVoxelVectorBuffer::Make(Value.C);return Result; } // Define Make function from buffer componentsstaticFMyCustomStructBufferMake(FVoxelInt32Buffer& InA,FVoxelFloatBuffer& InB,FVoxelVectorBuffer& InC) { FMyCustomStructBuffer Result;Result.A = InA;Result.B = InB;Result.C = InC;return Result; } // Overload InitializeFromConstantvirtualvoidInitializeFromConstant(constFVoxelRuntimePinValue& Constant) override { A = FVoxelInt32Buffer::Make(Constant.Get<UniformType>().A); B = FVoxelFloatBuffer::Make(Constant.Get<UniformType>().B); C = FVoxelVectorBuffer::Make(Constant.Get<UniformType>().C); }};
5.1.2. Defining Make/Break functions:
Create UVoxelFunctionLibrary class and create two UFUNCTIONS, Make and Break.
It is important, that Make function would contain meta attribute NativeMakeFunc and break function would contain NativeBreakFunc
UCLASS()classUMyCustomStructFunctionLibrary:publicUVoxelFunctionLibrary{GENERATED_BODY()public:UFUNCTION(Category ="Custom", meta = (NativeMakeFunc))FMyCustomStructBufferMakeCustomStruct(constFVoxelInt32Buffer& A,constFVoxelFloatBuffer& B,constFVoxelVectorBuffer& C) const { // Need to perform check, are all buffers same size.CheckVoxelBuffersNum_Function(A, B, C); FMyCustomStructBuffer Result;Result.A = A;Result.B = B;Result.C = C;return Result; }UFUNCTION(Category ="Custom", meta = (NativeBreakFunc))voidBreakCustomStruct(constFMyCustomStructBuffer& Value,FVoxelInt32Buffer& A,FVoxelFloatBuffer& B,FVoxelVectorBuffer& C) { A =Value.A; B =Value.B; C =Value.C; }};
5.1.. Custom Struct Pin Type ending notes:
After creating buffer and break/make types, custom struct type will be fully functional in voxel graphs.
5.2. Object pin types:
Voxel graphs does not support direct access to object pin types, since most of our execution is being done in async threads, which makes direct access unsafe and may crash.
To bypass direct access, we need to create custom struct as object pin type, which holds data, we want to access from object.
5.2.1. Create object pin type:
Create custom struct;
Create object pin type struct, which reads data from UObject and stores it in custom struct;
**CPP**// Create critical section global variable****FVoxelFastCriticalSection GTestAssetData_CriticalSection;// Create global map to map asset with its struct dataTVoxelMap<FObjectKey, FTestDataAssetData::FData> GTestAssetData_AssetToData;****FTestDataAssetData::FData FTestDataAssetData::GetData() const{if (WeakObject.IsExplicitlyNull()) {return {}; }VOXEL_SCOPE_LOCK(GTestAssetData_CriticalSection); // Try to find data from global mapconst FData* Data =GTestAssetData_AssetToData.Find(MakeObjectKey(WeakObject));if (!ensure(Data)) {return {}; }return*Data;}FTestDataAssetData FTestDataAssetData::Make(UTestDataAsset* Asset){ FTestDataAssetData Result;Result.WeakObject = Asset;if (Asset) { // Create data struct FData Data;Data.Mesh = FVoxelStaticMesh::Make(Asset->Mesh);Data.Scale =Asset->Scale; // Lock critical sectionVOXEL_SCOPE_LOCK(GTestAssetData_CriticalSection); // Store data to mapGTestAssetData_AssetToData.FindOrAdd(Asset) = Data; }return Result;}
5.2.2. Use custom object pin type:
After creating custom object pin type, it is now possible to use the type in any of voxel nodes.
Example in Function Library:
UCLASS()classUTestDataAssetFunctionLibrary:publicUVoxelFunctionLibrary{GENERATED_BODY()public:UFUNCTION(Category ="Custom")FVoxelStaticMeshBufferGetMeshFromTestDataAsset(constFTestDataAssetDataBuffer& AssetBuffer) { FVoxelStaticMeshBufferStorage Storage;Storage.Allocate(AssetBuffer.Num());for (int32 Index =0; Index <AssetBuffer.Num(); Index++) {Storage[Index] =AssetBuffer[Index].GetData().Mesh; }return FVoxelStaticMeshBuffer::Make(Storage); }UFUNCTION(Category ="Custom")FVoxelVectorBufferGetScaleFromTestDataAsset(constFTestDataAssetDataBuffer& AssetBuffer) { FVoxelVectorBufferStorage Storage;Storage.Allocate(AssetBuffer.Num());for (int32 Index =0; Index <AssetBuffer.Num(); Index++) {Storage[Index] =AssetBuffer[Index].GetData().Scale; }return FVoxelVectorBuffer::Make(Storage); }};