Generate Marching Cube Collision & Navmesh
Voxel Marching Cube Collision Exec Node
Name | Description |
Enable Node | If false, the node will never be executed |
Surface | Surface |
Body Instance | BodyInstance |
Invoker Channel | InvokerChannel |
Voxel Size | VoxelSize |
Compute Collision | ComputeCollision |
Compute Navmesh | ComputeNavmesh |
Physical Material | PhysicalMaterial |
Distance Checks Tolerance | DistanceChecksTolerance |
Chunk Size | ChunkSize |
Priority Offset | Priority offset, added to the task distance from camera Closest tasks are computed first, so set this to a very low value (eg, -1000000) if you want it to be computed first |
Name | Description |
Exec | If not connected, will be executed automatically |
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