Raymarch Distance Field
Raymarch Distance Field
Name | Description |
In | In |
Surface | Surface to raymarch |
Update Normal | If true, will set the new point normal to be the distance field gradient at the refined point positions |
Kill Distance | If a point is further away than this distance from the surface at the end of the raymarching, it will be removed |
Tolerance | If a point is within Tolerance distance from the surface, it will be marked as done and won't be raymarched any further |
Max Steps | Max number of steps to do Keep low for performance |
Speed | How "fast" to converge to the surface, between 0 and 1 NewPoint = OldPoint + DistanceToSurface * Direction * Speed Decrease if the raymarching is imprecise |
Gradient Step | Distance between points when sampling gradients |
Name | Description |
Out | Out |
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