Blueprint API

This page lists all the blueprint functions available in the plugin

Updated 2021-01-30 05:10:17.367206


Asset Tools

Add Disable Edits Box

Add a disable edits box to the world

Add Disable Edits Box Async

Add a disable edits box to the world

Runs asynchronously

Create Data Asset from World Section

Create Data Asset from World Section

Import Asset

Add a voxel asset to the world: can be a data asset (eg imported from a mesh), or a graph asset

Will not provide the Previous Generator, so won't work with graphs that use it!

Unlike ImportAssetAsReference, this one copies the asset data into the world. Can be expensive for large assets. Use this if your asset is relatively small

Import Asset as Reference

Add a voxel asset to the world: can be a data asset (eg imported from a mesh), or a graph asset

Cheap, unless there are edited voxels in the zone the asset is imported in

Will provide the PreviousGenerator to voxel graphs

Import Asset as Reference Async

Add a voxel asset to the world: can be a data asset (eg imported from a mesh), or a graph asset

Cheap, unless there are edited voxels in the zone the asset is imported in

Will provide the PreviousGenerator to voxel graphs

Runs asynchronously

Import Asset Async

Add a voxel asset to the world: can be a data asset (eg imported from a mesh), or a graph asset

Will not provide the Previous Generator, so won't work with graphs that use it!

Unlike ImportAssetAsReference, this one copies the asset data into the world. Can be expensive for large assets. Use this if your asset is relatively small

Import Data Asset Fast

Specialization of ImportAsset for data assets with no scale nor rotation

Import Data Asset Fast Async

Specialization of ImportAsset for data assets with no scale nor rotation

Import Modifier Asset

Add a voxel modifier asset to the world. Should be a graph asset.

Unlike ImportAsset, this WILL provide the Previous Generator to the graph, so you can access the existing voxel value

Unlike ImportAssetAsReference, this one copies the asset data into the world. Can be expensive for large assets. Use this if your asset is relatively small

Import Modifier Asset Async

Add a voxel asset to the world: can be a data asset (eg imported from a mesh), or a graph asset

Will not provide the Previous Generator, so won't work with graphs that use it!

Unlike ImportAssetAsReference, this one copies the asset data into the world. Can be expensive for large assets. Use this if your asset is relatively small

Invert Data Asset

Invert Data Asset

Set Data Asset Material

Set Data Asset Material

Box Tools

Add Box

Add a box shape

See: AddBox, AddBoxAsync and FVoxelBoxToolsImpl::AddBox

Add Box Async

Add a box shape

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: AddBox, AddBoxAsync and FVoxelBoxToolsImpl::AddBox

Remove Box

Remove a box shape

See: RemoveBox, RemoveBoxAsync and FVoxelBoxToolsImpl::RemoveBox

Remove Box Async

Remove a box shape

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: RemoveBox, RemoveBoxAsync and FVoxelBoxToolsImpl::RemoveBox

Set Material Box

Paint a box shape

See: SetMaterialBox, SetMaterialBoxAsync and FVoxelBoxToolsImpl::SetMaterialBox

Set Material Box Async

Paint a box shape

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: SetMaterialBox, SetMaterialBoxAsync and FVoxelBoxToolsImpl::SetMaterialBox

Set Value Box

Set the density in a box

See: SetValueBox, SetValueBoxAsync and FVoxelBoxToolsImpl::SetValueBox

Set Value Box Async

Set the density in a box

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: SetValueBox, SetValueBoxAsync and FVoxelBoxToolsImpl::SetValueBox


Get Cubic Voxel Position from Hit

Use bSelectVoxelOutside to choose which voxel to select, between the two sides of the face hit

Get Cubic Voxel Value

Get Cubic Voxel Value

Set Cubic Voxel Value

Set Cubic Voxel Value


Clear Unused Materials

Remove materials that do not affect the surface. Same visual result but will lead to better compression.

Digging will look different.

Clear Unused Materials Async

Remove materials that do not affect the surface. Same visual result but will lead to better compression.

Digging will look different.

Find Closest Non Empty Voxel

Finds the closest voxel to Position that is not empty

This is useful to do edits, or to query the material at a position

Find Closest Non Empty Voxel Async

Finds the closest voxel to Position that is not empty

This is useful to do edits, or to query the material at a position

Get Compressed Save

Get a save of the world and compress it

Get Compressed Save Async

Get a save of the world and compress it

Get Interpolated Density

Get the density at Position

Get Material

Get the material at Position

Get Material Async

Get the material at Position

Get Save

Get a save of the world

Get Save Async

Get a save of the world

Get Density

Get the density at Position

Get Density Async

Get the density at Position

Get Voxels Value and Material

Read a large number of voxels at a time

Get Voxels Value and Material Async

Read a large number of voxels at a time, asynchronously

Load from Compressed Save

Load from a compressed save

Load from Save

Load from a save

Round Voxels

Round voxels that don't have an impact on the surface. Same visual result but will lead to better compression

Round Voxels Async

Round voxels that don't have an impact on the surface. Same visual result but will lead to better compression

Set Material

Set the material at Position

Set Material Async

Set the material at Position

Set Density

Set the density at Position

Set Density Async

Set the density at Position

Level Tools


Stamps a cylinder, to quickly level parts of the world

If additive, will stamp a smooth cylinder above Position. Else will remove one below Position

See: Level, LevelAsync and FVoxelLevelToolsImpl::Level

Level Async

Stamps a cylinder, to quickly level parts of the world

If additive, will stamp a smooth cylinder above Position. Else will remove one below Position

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: Level, LevelAsync and FVoxelLevelToolsImpl::Level

Mesh Importer

Convert Mesh to Voxels

Convert Mesh to Voxels

Convert Mesh to Voxels No Materials

Convert Mesh to Voxels No Materials

Create Mesh Data from Static Mesh

Create Mesh Data from Static Mesh

Create Texture from Material

Create Texture from Material

Projection Tools

Create Surface Voxels from Hits

For some surface tools you'll need to use CreateSurfaceVoxelsFromHitsWithExactValues instead

Create Surface Voxels from Hits with Exact Values

Will store the voxel values

Find Projection Voxels

Find voxels using linetraces

Find Projection Voxels Async

Find voxels using linetraces, asynchronously

Get Hits Average Normal

Get Hits Average Normal

Get Hits Average Position

Get Hits Average Position

Get Hits Positions

Get Hits Positions

Sphere Tools

Add Sphere

Add a sphere

See: AddSphere, AddSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::AddSphere

Add Sphere Async

Add a sphere

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: AddSphere, AddSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::AddSphere

Apply Kernel Sphere

Apply a 3x3x3 kernel

See: ApplyKernelSphere, ApplyKernelSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::ApplyKernelSphere

Apply Kernel Sphere Async

Apply a 3x3x3 kernel

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: ApplyKernelSphere, ApplyKernelSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::ApplyKernelSphere

Apply Material Kernel Sphere

Apply a 3x3x3 kernel to the materials

See: ApplyMaterialKernelSphere, ApplyMaterialKernelSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::ApplyMaterialKernelSphere

Apply Material Kernel Sphere Async

Apply a 3x3x3 kernel to the materials

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: ApplyMaterialKernelSphere, ApplyMaterialKernelSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::ApplyMaterialKernelSphere

Remove Sphere

Remove a sphere

See: RemoveSphere, RemoveSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::RemoveSphere

Remove Sphere Async

Remove a sphere

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: RemoveSphere, RemoveSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::RemoveSphere

Remove Sphere with Durability

Removes all the voxels in a sphere, if their single index is contained in Internal (Min <= Index <= Max)

Mainly intended for the cubic mode

See: RemoveSphereWithDurability, RemoveSphereWithDurabilityAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::RemoveSphereWithDurability

Remove Sphere with Durability Async

Removes all the voxels in a sphere, if their single index is contained in Internal (Min <= Index <= Max)

Mainly intended for the cubic mode

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: RemoveSphereWithDurability, RemoveSphereWithDurabilityAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::RemoveSphereWithDurability

Revert Sphere

Reverts the voxels inside a sphere shape to a previous frame in the undo history.

Can be used to "paint" the undo history

NOTE: Does not work with bMultiThreaded and does not fill ModifiedValues!

See: RevertSphere, RevertSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::RevertSphere

Revert Sphere Async

Reverts the voxels inside a sphere shape to a previous frame in the undo history.

Can be used to "paint" the undo history

NOTE: Does not work with bMultiThreaded and does not fill ModifiedValues!

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: RevertSphere, RevertSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::RevertSphere

Revert Sphere to Generator

Reverts the voxels inside a sphere shape to their generator value

NOTE: Does not work with bMultiThreaded and does not fill ModifiedValues!

See: RevertSphereToGenerator, RevertSphereToGeneratorAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::RevertSphereToGenerator

Revert Sphere to Generator Async

Reverts the voxels inside a sphere shape to their generator value

NOTE: Does not work with bMultiThreaded and does not fill ModifiedValues!

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: RevertSphereToGenerator, RevertSphereToGeneratorAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::RevertSphereToGenerator

Set Material Sphere

Paint material in a sphere shape

See: SetMaterialSphere, SetMaterialSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::SetMaterialSphere

Set Material Sphere Async

Paint material in a sphere shape

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: SetMaterialSphere, SetMaterialSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::SetMaterialSphere

Set Value Sphere

Set the density in a sphere

See: SetValueSphere, SetValueSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::SetValueSphere

Set Value Sphere Async

Set the density in a sphere

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: SetValueSphere, SetValueSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::SetValueSphere

Smooth Material Sphere

Smooth materials in a sphere

See: SmoothMaterialSphere, SmoothMaterialSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::SmoothMaterialSphere

Smooth Material Sphere Async

Smooth materials in a sphere

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: SmoothMaterialSphere, SmoothMaterialSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::SmoothMaterialSphere

Smooth Sphere

Smooth a sphere

See: SmoothSphere, SmoothSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::SmoothSphere

Smooth Sphere Async

Smooth a sphere

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: SmoothSphere, SmoothSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::SmoothSphere

Trim Sphere

Trim tool: used to quickly flatten large portions of the world

Best results are obtained when Position and Normal are averages: use FindProjectionVoxels to do some linetraces, and then GetAveragePosition/Normal on the result

This ensures the tool usage is relatively smooth.

Works by stamping a shape into the world (if bAdditive = false, the stamp is destructive: voxels are removed instead)

The shape is the smooth union of a sphere SDF and a plane SDF. The smoothness of the union is controlled by the Falloff parameter.

See: TrimSphere, TrimSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::TrimSphere

Trim Sphere Async

Trim tool: used to quickly flatten large portions of the world

Best results are obtained when Position and Normal are averages: use FindProjectionVoxels to do some linetraces, and then GetAveragePosition/Normal on the result

This ensures the tool usage is relatively smooth.

Works by stamping a shape into the world (if bAdditive = false, the stamp is destructive: voxels are removed instead)

The shape is the smooth union of a sphere SDF and a plane SDF. The smoothness of the union is controlled by the Falloff parameter.

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: TrimSphere, TrimSphereAsync and FVoxelSphereToolsImpl::TrimSphere

Surface Edit Tools

Edit Voxel Materials

Apply paint material to the processed voxels, using the processed strengths

See: ApplyStack, AddToStack

See: EditVoxelMaterials, EditVoxelMaterialsAsync and FVoxelSurfaceEditToolsImpl::EditVoxelMaterials

Edit Voxel Materials Async

Apply paint material to the processed voxels, using the processed strengths

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: ApplyStack, AddToStack

See: EditVoxelMaterials, EditVoxelMaterialsAsync and FVoxelSurfaceEditToolsImpl::EditVoxelMaterials

Edit Voxel Values

Apply processed voxels strengths to the voxel values

See: ApplyStack, AddToStack

See: EditVoxelValues, EditVoxelValuesAsync and FVoxelSurfaceEditToolsImpl::EditVoxelValues

Edit Voxel Values Async

Apply processed voxels strengths to the voxel values

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: ApplyStack, AddToStack

See: EditVoxelValues, EditVoxelValuesAsync and FVoxelSurfaceEditToolsImpl::EditVoxelValues

Propagate Voxel Materials

Propagate the materials of the voxels, so that the new surface is painted correctly

Must be called BEFORE EditVoxelValues!

See: ApplyStack, AddToStack

See: PropagateVoxelMaterials, PropagateVoxelMaterialsAsync and FVoxelSurfaceEditToolsImpl::PropagateVoxelMaterials

Propagate Voxel Materials Async

Propagate the materials of the voxels, so that the new surface is painted correctly

Must be called BEFORE EditVoxelValues!

Runs asynchronously in a background thread

See: ApplyStack, AddToStack

See: PropagateVoxelMaterials, PropagateVoxelMaterialsAsync and FVoxelSurfaceEditToolsImpl::PropagateVoxelMaterials

Surface Tools

Add to Stack

Add to Stack

Apply Constant Strength

Apply a constant strength to the surface voxels

Apply Falloff

Apply a falloff to surface voxels, based on their distance from a point.

Apply Flatten

Make surface voxels go towards a plane

Important: if bExactDistanceField = true, this node should be called last! Modifying strengths after it will result

in glitchy behavior

Apply Stack

Apply Stack

Apply Stack Async

Apply Stack Async

Apply Strength Curve

Apply a strength curve to surface voxels, based on their distance from a point:

Strength = Curve.SampleAt(Distance(Voxel.Position, Center) / Radius)

Apply Strength Mask

Apply a strength mask to surface voxels, based on their position projected onto a plane

Apply Terrace

Apply terracing

Debug Surface Voxels

Debug Surface Voxels

Find Surface Voxels

Find voxels that are on the surface. Faster than FindSurfaceVoxelsFromDistanceField, but the values won't be exact distances

Find Surface Voxels 2D

Find voxels that are on the surface. Only keep the one with the surface right above them that are facing up. If 2 surface voxels have the same X Y, will only keep the one with the higher Z

Find Surface Voxels 2DAsync

Find voxels that are on the surface. Only keep the one with the surface right above them that are facing up. If 2 surface voxels have the same X Y, will only keep the one with the higher Z

Find Surface Voxels Async

Find voxels that are on the surface. Faster than FindSurfaceVoxelsFromDistanceField, but the values won't be exact distances

Find Surface Voxels from Distance Field

Find voxels that are on the surface using an exact computation of the distance field using the GPU

Get Bounds

Get Bounds

Get Strength Mask Scale

Compute the scale for ApplyStrengthMask from a wanted size

Tick Data



Get Axis

Get Axis

Get Ray Direction

Get Ray Direction

Get Ray Origin

Get Ray Origin

Is Alternative Mode

Is Alternative Mode

Is Key Down

Is Key Down


Get Modified Voxel Materials Bounds

Get Modified Voxel Materials Bounds

Get Modified Voxel Values Bounds

Get Modified Voxel Values Bounds




Disable Tool

Call this to delete any tool preview actors

Enable Tool

Call this to do some initial setup

Will be called in the first tool tick if you don't

Get Tool Name

Get Tool Name

Get Voxel World

Get Voxel World


K2 Advanced Tick


Tick the tool

Make Tool Axes

Make Tool Axes

Make Tool Keys

Make Tool Keys

Make Voxel Tool

Make Voxel Tool

Make Voxel Tool Tick Data

Make Voxel Tool Tick Data

Create Default Tools

If bLoadBlueprints is true, all the blueprints inheriting from VoxelTool will be force loaded

If false, tools whose blueprints are not loaded won't show up

Get Active Tool

Get Active Tool

Get Tools

Get Tools

Get Shared Config

K2 Get Shared Config

Set Active Tool

Set Active Tool

Set Active Tool by Class

Set Active Tool by Class

Set Active Tool by Name

Set Active Tool by Name


Add Neighbors to Set

Add Neighbors to Set

Get Render Bounds Overlapping Data Bounds

eg if you want to cache all the data that's going to be used by render chunks when updating the world

Make Int Box from Global Position and Radius

Make IntBox from global position and radius


Int Vector

IntVector + IntVector

Add Int Vector Int Vector

IntVector / int

Divide Int Vector Int

Get Max

Get Max Intvector

Get Min

Get Min Intvector

int * IntVector

Multiply Int Int Vector

IntVector * int

Multiply Int Vector Int

IntVector * IntVector

Multiply Int Vector Int Vector

IntVector - IntVector

Substract Int Vector Int Vector

Voxel Int Box

Add Box

Add Box

Add Point

Add Point

Apply Transform

Apply Transform

Break Int Box

Breaks an Int Box

Break Int Box with Validity

Break Int Box with Validity


Will move the box so that GetCenter = 0,0,0. Will extend it if its size is odd



Equal (VoxelIntBox)

Equal Equal Int Box Int Box



Extend Int Vector

Extend Int Vector

Get Center

Get Center

Get Corners

Get Corners

Get Size

Get Size

Infinite Box

Infinite Box



Is Int Vector Inside Box

Is Int Vector Inside Box

Is Valid

Is Valid

Is Vector Inside Box

Is Vector Inside Box

Make Box from Local Position and Radius

From -Radius(included) to Radius(excluded)

Make Box from Position and Radius

Make Box from Position and Radius

Make Int Box

Makes an Int Box. Min must be <= to Max

Make Int Box from Points

Make Int Box from Points

Make Int Box with Validity

Make Int Box with Validity

NotEqual (VoxelIntBox)

Not Equal Int Box Int Box



Remove Translation

Remove Translation



Translate Box

Translate Box


Get Halton 1D

Get Halton 1D

Get Halton 2D

Get Halton 2D

Get Halton 3D

Get Halton 3D

Get Unit Vector from Random

Generates a random position on the unit sphere, given some random input between 0 and 1

Make Halton Stream

Make Halton Stream

Reset Halton Stream

Reset Halton Stream


Apply LOD Settings

Call this after changing the voxel world LODs setting while created

Apply New Materials

Call this after changing a voxel world VoxelMaterial/MaterialCollection to apply it

Get Task Count

Number of processing tasks not finished

Is Voxel World Foliage Loading

Returns true if there are still foliage tasks queued

Is Voxel World Mesh Loading

Returns true if there are still mesh tasks queued


Call this to recreate the voxel world entirely, optionally keeping data intact by saving it

Recreate Render

Call this to recreate the voxel world rendering entirely, keeping data intact

Recreate Spawners

Call this to recreate the voxel world spawners

Update All

Update all the chunks

Update Bounds

Update the chunks overlapping Bounds.

Update Position

Update the chunks overlapping Position


Apply Paint Material

Apply a Paint Material to a Voxel Material

Create RGB Paint Material

Create from color

Create Five Way Blend Paint Material

Create paint material for 5 way blend

Create Multi Index Paint Material

Create for multi index

Create Multi Index Raw Paint Material

Create for multi index, setting the data directly

Create Multi Index Wetness Paint Material

Create for multi index wetness

Create Single Index Paint Material

Create for single index

Create UV Paint Material

Create UV paint

Get Color

Get Color

Get Multi Index

If SortByStrength is true, Index 0 will have the highest strength, Index 1 the second highest etc

Get Raw Material

Get Raw Material

Get Single Index

Get Single Index

Get UV

Get UV

Make Color Material

Make Color Material

Make Material Mask

Make Material Mask

Make Raw Material

Make Raw Material

Make Single Index Material

Make Single Index Material


Are Collisions Enabled

Returns whether voxel collisions are enabled at Position

Are Voxel Collisions Frozen

Are Voxel Collisions Frozen

Set Voxel Collisions Frozen

Set Voxel Collisions Frozen

Proc Gen

Bind Voxel Chunk Events

Bind Voxel Chunk Events

Bind Voxel Generation Event

Bind Voxel Generation Event



Cache Materials

Cache the materials in the bounds

Cache Materials Async

Cache the materials in the bounds

Cache Values

Cache the values in the bounds

Cache Values Async

Cache the values in the bounds

Clear Cached Materials

Clear Cached Materials

Clear Cached Materials Async

Clear Cached Materials Async

Clear Cached Values

Clear Cached Values

Clear Cached Values Async

Clear Cached Values Async


Compress Voxel Save

Compress Voxel Save

Decompress Voxel Save

Decompress Voxel Save


Clear All Data

Clear all the data in the world, including items/assets

Clear Dirty Data

Clear all the edited data in the world, excluding items/assets

Clear Material Data

Clear all the material data in the world

Clear Value Data

Clear all the value data in the world

Get Bounds

Bounds of this world

Get Float Output

Get a custom float output value

Get Int Output

Get a custom int32 output value

Get Normal

Get the normal at Position using the density gradient. May differ from the mesh normal

Has Material Data

Has Material Data

Has Value Data

Has Value Data

Scale Data

Scale the voxel world data. Will recreate the voxel world!

Check for Single Materials

Check for Single Materials

Check for Single Materials Async

Check for Single Materials Async

Check for Single Values

Check for Single Values

Check for Single Values Async

Check for Single Values Async

Check if Same as Generator

Will undirty the chunks identical to the generator

Check if Same as Generator Async

Will undirty the chunks identical to the generator

Compress Into Heightmap

If the voxel generator is a heightmap or if an heightmap asset is provided,

will update the heightmap to the max Z surface in the voxel world

Will not edit the data: RoundToGenerator should be called after for best results

Round to Generator

Will revert the values who don't have a voxel neighbor with a different sign from the generator value

Will ignore items when computing generator values

Round to Generator Async

Will revert the values who don't have a voxel neighbor with a different sign from the generator value

Will ignore items when computing generator values

Set Box as Dirty

Set Box as Dirty

Set Box as Dirty Async

Set Box as Dirty Async

Undo Redo

Clear Frames

Clear all the frames. bEnableUndoRedo must be true

Get History Position

Get the current history position


Redo last undone frame. bEnableUndoRedo must be true, and SaveFrame must have been called after any edits

Save Frame

Save the edits since the last call to SaveFrame/Undo/Redo and clear the redo stack. bEnableUndoRedo must be true


Undo last frame. bEnableUndoRedo must be true, and SaveFrame must have been called after any edits

Texture Pool

Compact Voxel Texture Pool

Will compact the texture pool used by the greedy mesher, reducing fragmentation & memory usage

See: stat VoxelTexturePool

Voxel Texture

Create or Update Texture from Voxel Color Texture

Will create Texture if null, and set it

Returns Texture for convenience

Texture will have the following config:

Pixel format: PF_B8G8R8A8

Compression settings: TC_VectorDisplacementmap

SRGB: false

Filter: TF_Bilinear

Create or Update Texture from Voxel Float Texture

Will create Texture if null, and set it

Returns Texture for convenience

Texture will have the following config:

Pixel format: PF_R32_FLOAT

Compression settings: TC_HDR

SRGB: false

Filter: TF_Bilinear

Create Texture from Voxel Color Texture

Same as CreateOrUpdateTextureFromVoxelFloatTexture with nullptr in input

Texture will have the following config:

Pixel format: PF_B8G8R8A8

Compression settings: TC_VectorDisplacementmap

SRGB: false

Filter: TF_Bilinear

Create Texture from Voxel Float Texture

Same as CreateOrUpdateTextureFromVoxelFloatTexture with nullptr in input

Texture will have the following config:

Pixel format: PF_R32_FLOAT

Compression settings: TC_HDR

SRGB: false

Filter: TF_Bilinear

Create Voxel Color Texture from Voxel Float Texture

Creates a voxel color texture by putting a float texture into a specific channel

Create Voxel Float Texture from Texture Channel

Creates a voxel float texture from the color channel of a texture

Get Voxel Color Texture Size

Get Voxel Color Texture Size

Get Voxel Float Texture Size

Get Voxel Float Texture Size

Is Voxel Color Texture Valid

Is Voxel Color Texture Valid

Is Voxel Float Texture Valid

Is Voxel Float Texture Valid


Apply the photoshop Maximum filter

Set each pixel to the max value in a radius Radius


Apply the photoshop Minimum filter

Set each pixel to the min value in a radius Radius

Tool Rendering

Create Tool Rendering

Create Tool Rendering

Destroy Tool Rendering

Destroy Tool Rendering

Is Valid Ref

Is Valid Ref

Set Tool Rendering Bounds

Bounds: In world space

Set Tool Rendering Enabled

Set Tool Rendering Enabled

Set Tool Rendering Material

Set Tool Rendering Material


Get All Voxel Worlds Containing Position

Iterate all voxel worlds in the scene, and return all the ones that contains Position

Get All Voxel Worlds Overlapping Actor

Iterate all voxel worlds in the scene, and return all the ones that overlaps the actor bounding box

Get All Voxel Worlds Overlapping Box

Iterate all voxel worlds in the scene, and return all the ones that overlaps Box

Get Voxel World Containing Position

Iterate all voxel worlds in the scene, and return the first one that contains Position

Get Voxel World Overlapping Actor

Iterate all voxel worlds in the scene, and return the first one that overlaps the actor bounding box

Get Voxel World Overlapping Box

Iterate all voxel worlds in the scene, and return the first one that overlaps Box

Transform Global Box to Voxel Box

Transform a box in global space to voxel space

Transform Voxel Box to Global Box

Transform a box in voxel space to global space


Get Estimated Collisions Memory Usage in MB

Returns the memory used by positions and indices buffers in this voxel world

Should give a rough estimate of how much memory is used for physics

Get Memory Usage in MB

Get the current memory usage of different parts of the plugin

Get Peak Memory Usage in MB

Get the peak memory usage of different parts of the plugin

Log Memory Stats

Log Memory Stats

Get Data Memory Usage in MB

Get Data Memory Usage in MB


Get Number Of Voxel Threads

Get Number Of Voxel Threads

Set Number Of Voxel Threads

Number of threads allocated for the voxel background processing. Setting it too high may impact performance

The threads are shared across all voxel worlds

Can be set using voxel.threading.NumThreads

Voxel Interval


Interval Contains Float


Interval Contains Int 32


Mark Spawners Dirty

Mark spawners as dirty so that they don't get trash if they go out of scope

Regenerate Spawners

IVoxelFoliageInterface helpers

// Regenerate spawners in an aera


Recompute Component Positions

Update the voxel component positions

Get Neighboring Positions

Get the 8 neighbors in voxel space of GlobalPosition

World Position to Voxel

Convert position from world space to voxel space

World Bounds to Voxel

K2 Global to Local Bounds

World Position to Voxel Float

K2 Global to Local Float

Voxel Position to World

Convert position from voxel space to world space

Voxel Bounds to World

K2 Local to Global Bounds

Voxel Position to World Float

K2 Local to Global Float

Add Event

Voxel Placeable Item Manager

Event On Clear

On Clear

Event On Generate

On Generate


Event Init Chunk

Init Chunk


Event Initialize Collection

Initialize Collection

Event AddItemToWorld

K2 Add Item to World

Event AddItemToWorld

K2 Add Item to World

Event Tick

Called first, before DoEdit and UpdateRender

Note: Tick is a BlueprintImplementableEvent. The native Tick will always be called before.

Event UpdateRender

Might not always be called - if you want to compute things for the frame, use Tick


Cook Voxel Data

Cook collision meshes and save the result to VoxelCookedData

Can then be loaded using LoadCookedVoxelData

Useful for servers

Cook Voxel Data with Save

Cook collision meshes and save the result to VoxelCookedData

Can then be loaded using LoadCookedVoxelData

Useful for servers

Load Cooked Voxel Data

Loads collision cooked with CookVoxelData

The voxel world must not be created: it won't ever be created, collision meshes will be loaded directly

Note: Only the voxel world collision settings will be applied

Useful for servers

Make Voxel Cooking Settings from Voxel World

Make Voxel Cooking Settings from Voxel World

Data Asset

Get Bounds

Get Bounds

Get Size

Get Size

Voxel Data Item Actor

Schedule Refresh

Schedule Refresh


Debug Voxels Inside Bounds

Debug Voxels Inside Bounds

Draw Data Octree

Draw Data Octree

Draw Debug Int Box

Draw Debug Int Box


Get Sediment Texture

Get Sediment Texture

Get Terrain Height Texture

Get Terrain Height Texture

Get Water Height Texture

Get Water Height Texture



Is Initialized

Is Initialized




Is Valid

Is Valid

Create Color Texture from Generator

Creates a color texture by reading a color output from a generator

Create Color Texture from Generator Async

Creates a color texture by reading a color output from a generator, asynchronously

Create Float Texture from Generator

Creates a float texture by reading a float output from a generator

Create Float Texture from Generator Async

Creates a float texture by reading a float output from a generator, asynchronously

Is Valid

Is Valid Generator Picker

Is Valid

Is Valid Transformable Generator Picker

Make Generator Instance

Creates a new generator instance. Consider using VoxelWorld->GetGeneratorCache()->MakeGeneratorInstance instead

Make Generator Picker from Class

See: MakeGeneratorPickerFromObject

Make Generator Picker from Object

See: MakeGeneratorPickerFromClass, MakeTransformableGeneratorPickerFromObject

Make Transformable Generator Instance

Creates a new transformable generator instance. Consider using VoxelWorld->GetGeneratorCache()->MakeTransformableGeneratorInstance instead

Make Transformable Generator Picker from Class

See: MakeTransformableGeneratorPickerFromObject, MakeGeneratorPickerFromClass

Make Transformable Generator Picker from Object

See: MakeTransformableGeneratorPickerFromClass, MakeGeneratorPickerFromObject

Set Generator Parameter

Set a voxel generator parameter

Set Transformable Generator Parameter

Set a voxel generator parameter

Is Valid

Is Valid

Heightmap Asset

Get Height

Get Height

Get Width

Get Width

Voxel Helpers

Create Proc Mesh Plane

Create Proc Mesh Plane


Refresh All Voxel Invokers

Refresh All Voxel Invokers

Material Collection

Get Index Material

Get Index Material

Get Material Index

Get the material index from a material or a layer name

Get Materials

Used by paint material customization. Some materials might be null.



Connect to Server

Connect to a TCP server

Start Server

Start a TCP server


Create Multiplayer Interface Instance

Create Multiplayer Interface Instance

Get Multiplayer Interface Instance

Get Multiplayer Interface Instance

Voxel Placeable Item Manager

Add Data Item

Do not call this directly: call the respective Add Data Item instead!

Draw Debug Line

Draws a line in the world & in the voxel graph preview

Draw Debug Point

Draws a point in the world & in the voxel graph preview

Get Generator Cache

Get Generator Cache

Placeable Items

Add Worms

Add Worms


Read Values

Read Values

Test Values

Test Values



Get Tool Direction

Get Tool Direction

Get Tool Normal

Get Tool Normal

Get Tool Position

Get Tool Position

Get Tool Preview Position

Get Tool Preview Position


Set Tool Overlay Bounds

Set Tool Overlay Bounds

Update Tool Mesh

Note: Material will not be updated if the mesh did not change


Can Edit

Can Edit

Get Bounds to Cache

Will also debug them

Get Delta Time

Delta time accounting for the skipped frame waiting for updates

Get Last Frame Tick Data

Get Last Frame Tick Data

Get Mouse Movement Size

Get Mouse Movement Size

Get Tick Data

Get Tick Data

Get Value After Axis Input

Get Value After Axis Input

Last Frame Can Edit

Last Frame Can Edit

Voxel Tool Library

Update Sphere Overlay Material

Update Sphere Overlay Material


Create World

Create World

Destroy World

Destroy World

Get Generator Cache

The generator cache allows to reuse generator objects

This is required for DataItemActors to allow for smaller update when moving them

Get Generator Init

Used to init generators

Is Created

Is this world created?

Is Loaded

Has the VoxelRenderer finished loading?

Set Generator Class

Set Generator Class

Set Generator Object

Set Generator Object


Set Collision Response to Channel

Can be called at runtime

World Size

Set Render Octree Chunk Size

Set Render Octree Chunk Size

Set Render Octree Depth

Set Render Octree Depth

Set World Size

Set World Size


Is Voxel Plugin Pro

Is Voxel Plugin Pro

Number Of Cores

Returns the number of cores the CPU has. Ignores hyperthreading unless -usehyperthreading is passed as a command line argument.

Raise Error

Raise Error

Raise Info

Raise Info

Raise Warning

Raise Warning

Make Generator Instance

Creates (or reuse if possible) a new generator instance

Among other things, this is required for DataItemActors to reuse generators, which allows for smaller update when moving them

Make Transformable Generator Instance

Creates (or reuse if possible) a new generator instance

Among other things, this is required for DataItemActors to reuse generators, which allows for smaller update when moving them

Apply Voxel Size

Apply Voxel Size

Set Scene

Set Scene

Apply Voxel Physics

Apply voxel physics in a section of the voxel world by removing floating parts

Make Voxel Line Trace Parameters

Make voxel line trace parameters

Last updated