Console Commands
Console Commands are a major tool to debug in Unreal. You can enter console commands either by pressing the ~ key in editor or in game, or by going in the Output Log.
Dump of all voxel commands
Generated Feb 9 2020.
Name | Help | | Cache all materials | | Cache all values | | Check if materials in a chunk are all the same, and if so only store one | | Check if values in a chunk are all the same, and if so only store one | | Clear all cached materials | | Clear all cached values | | Will clear all materials that do not affect the surface to improve compression | | Update the heightmap to match the voxel world data | | Size of the data accelerator cache | | Log stats about accelerators hit/misses | | Whether to cache the leaves in a map | | Max number of placeable items per data octree node. If more placeable items are added, the node is split | | If true, will reset all data chunks affected by AddItem when undoing it. If false, these chunks will be left untouched. In both cases, undo is imperfect | | Round all voxels that do not impact the surface nor the normals | | If true, will show the data chunks with dirty foliage | | If true, will show the data chunks with dirty materials | | If true, will show the data chunks with dirty values | | If true, will show every dirty voxel in the scene | | If true, will show the foliage data chunks and their status (cached/created...) | | If true, will show the materials data chunks and their status (cached/created...) | | If true, will show the values data chunks and their status (cached/created...) | | If true, will store FVoxelValue::Special() instead of the value if it's equal to the generator value when saving. |
voxel.debug.LogSecondsPerCycles | | | If true, will show event updates bounds |
voxel.FreezeDebug | If true, won't clear previous frames boxes |
voxel.LogMemoryStats | |
voxel.mesher.ClearStats | Clear the mesher stats |
voxel.mesher.DoNotSkipEmptyChunks | If true, all chunks will be computed |
voxel.mesher.PrintStats | Print the mesher stats |
voxel.mesher.UniqueUVs | If true, will duplicate the vertices to assign to each triangle in a chunk a unique part of the UV space |
voxel.multiplayer.ShowSyncedChunks | If true, will show the synced chunks |
voxel.renderer.ClearChunksEmptyStates | Clear the empty states debug |
voxel.renderer.ClearMaterialInstancePool | Clear material instance pool |
voxel.renderer.ForceLODUpdate | Update the LODs |
voxel.renderer.FreezeRenderer | Stops renderer tick |
voxel.renderer.LogCollisionCookingTimes | If true, will log the time it took to cook the voxel meshes collisions |
voxel.renderer.LogMeshActionQueue | If true, will log every queued action when processed |
voxel.renderer.LogMeshPositionsPrecisionsErrors | If true, will log mesh positions precisions errors |
voxel.renderer.LogProcMeshDelays | If true, will log the time elapsed between the game thread update and the first render thread display |
voxel.renderer.LogRenderOctreeBuildTime | If true, will log the render octree build times |
voxel.renderer.MaxRenderOctreeChunks | Max render octree chunks. Allows to stop the creation of the octree before it gets too big & freezes your computer |
voxel.renderer.MaxSectionsPerChunk | If a voxel chunk has more sections that this (eg due to single/double index), it won't be drawn. 1 section = 1 draw call |
voxel.renderer.RecomputeMeshPositions | Recompute the positions of all the meshes in all the voxel world in the scene |
voxel.renderer.ShowChunksEmptyStates | If true, will show updated chunks empty state |
voxel.renderer.ShowCollisionAndNavmeshDebug | If true, will show chunks used for collisions/navmesh and will color all chunks according to their usage |
voxel.renderer.ShowCollisionsUpdates | If true, will show the chunks that finished updating collisions |
voxel.renderer.ShowMeshSections | If true, will assign a unique color to each mesh section |
voxel.renderer.ShowRenderChunks | If true, will show the render chunks |
voxel.renderer.ShowToolRendering | If true, will show the duplicated meshes for tool rendering in red |
voxel.renderer.ShowTransitions | If true, will only show the transition meshes |
voxel.renderer.ShowUpdatedChunks | If true, will show the chunks recently updated |
voxel.renderer.UpdateAll | Update all the chunks in all the voxel world in the scene |
voxel.ShowInvokers | If true, will show the voxel invokers |
voxel.ShowWorldBounds | If true, will show the world bounds |
voxel.spawners.LogCullingTreeBuildTimes | If true, will log all the HISM build times |
voxel.spawners.RegenerateAll | Regenerate all spawners that can be regenerated |
voxel.spawners.ShowCollisions | If true, will show a debug point on HISM instances with collisions |
voxel.spawners.ShowHits | If true, will show the voxel spawner rays hits |
voxel.spawners.ShowPositions | If true, will show the positions sent to spawners |
voxel.spawners.ShowRays | If true, will show the voxel spawner rays | | Log edit tools times |
Last updated